Monday, September 10, 2007

I am going to Lourdes

So when I was working at Edward hospital this summer in the Pathology department, I befriended a lady named Judy. I told her that I was going to France to study etc. She told me that there was a holy city called Lourdes where there is saint buried who apparently hasn't decomposed over the last century. I had no idea at the time where it was or if I was going. Ironically, we had company for dinner the past two nights from the south of France around the Pyrenees. After befriending them I asked if I come and stay with them on a weekend in the mountains. They then proceeded to tell me that one of them was close to Lourdes. I then told them what Judy told me and they thought I was very smart for knowing that. So yeah probably in October I am going to the Pyrenees on the French/Spanish border where hopefully I can do some hiking, make a pilgrimage to Lourdes (who knew), and be there for a Chestnut festival. Another thing I am trying to do is go to the soccer game between France and Scotland on Wed, but who knows if that will happen. Enclosed are pictures from Sunday.

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