Thursday, October 18, 2007

Redemption for France over the Strike, Sarko's sacrifice, and my new favorite beer

Ok so there is hope for the French yet. My ticket which was set for me to leave tonight will be good tomorrow when I show up at the Montparnasse station and demand a spot on the next train to the Deep South of France. It will be a lot different there than in the city, a much needed change of scenery. Side note about the French media: The day of the large national transit strike, King Sarkozy declares that he is separating his wife. Donc, all of the headlines are focused on that rather than the fact that everyone had to walk, bike, or roller to work today. The worst part about the strike is that many metro lines were working but 1 train for every 3, so the wait time was 30 mins instead of 2. And yes I did have to walk the 40 minutes to school, was a pain although it was a very nice day. Miraclely I was only 5 minutes late for French class. After the strike and the hectic week I decided along with my drinking buddy to go to an Irish pub on the trek back. There I tried this beer (it is a goal to try as many different kinds as I can so that I know what imports to buy in the states) that is a French beer with malt scotch inside from the Scottish Highlands. I mean can it get any better? Was one of the best tasting, sweetest, light that camouflages itself as a dark beer. Who knew that when I went to the train station to barder for my ticket exchange I was able to speak fluent French? I was talking to other people about this in that I guess you feel more confident in the language with a few so it just flows more…Sorry no pictures of the strike because honestly I did not see that many people. I hid during rush hour, but here is a picture from one of the best new sites on the planet, it won't be posted until Monday when my internet can handle uploading pictures...lame

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