Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Quick Update on My Life

Sooo my facebook status says that I am currently down a Italian mineshaft. That is true in the figurative and not literal sense. I have a 15-20 page economics paper due tomorrow which on top of that I have study for a French Final. The Italian part comes into play by my Economics of the EU professor being Italian and who actually ran for Prime Minister sometime in his distant past. But yeah taking a procastination I mean concentration break that I need to take after each section because these types of papers are not as flowing as history papers. History papers you just line up all of the major events and tell how they are connected. Anyway today we had a final class in this decision-making course where our final presentaiton was being a part of a large committee council meeting where we act as different countries trying to pass through a piece of transport policy. I know it sounds really fun doesn't it, but for some reason at the end there was this foul stank. I guess we got into it a little more than we thought.

With a final exam and paper tomorrow, that leaves only two more classes next week one of which is an exam as well. Will have to study a lot for the on next tuesday because of it basically covering all EU policy. But I there is sufficient time considering that will be the only thing I do in the next few days along with a trip to Brussels to see a family friend/NU alum and have him show me his company. More on that all later with hopefully more pictures of Belgium because we will do some sightseeing and apparently a Christmas party in a castle. Toujour (always) spoiled. I will have a few days after I am done with classes next tuesday to savor my last few moments of Paris. I feel like I will hit up all of my favorite bars and do some last minute shopping/sightseeing. I can't believe this has gone by so quickly, in a week from Saturday I will be in Eastern Europe on the shores of the Black Sea in one of the newest countries of the EU, Bulgaria.

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